Portrait Commissions

Q : In todays world overloaded with transient imagery how do we capture a truly personal portrait that is not only unique but will also stand the test of time ?

A : By stepping back in time to early days of photography where a portrait session was so much more that simply having your picture taken.

Having your portrait taken using a classical technique takes you way beyond simply having your photograph taken, its an experience where an artwork is hand crafted by an artist.

The result is a single or a set of images with a spirit and integrity in contrast to todays digital photography.

I will add that I do practice digital photography which I love, however for me analog offers an alternative more mindful approach to image creation enabling a deeper connection to the subject.

Wet Plate Demonstration Portraits.

In these extended sessions you will also become involved in the creation of your plates as well as being the subject – a truly magical ‘hands on’ experience. Suitable for individuals and couples.

Please enquire.

Using either traditional analogue film or the Wet Plate Collodion process your images are hand crafted onto paper, metal or glass plates, processes that date back to the 1850’s.

In all sessions you the sitter(s) can assist in the process whilst being the subject where you will witness the darkroom process from preparing the medium and for the wet plate session this will include the final development, its an amazing experience.

Portrait sessions are available either at our Wildgrass Studio in Highland Perthshire or possibly at a location to suit you the individual or group by arrangement.